AM CH Silvabirch G8rcreek Sunsprite Wild Heart
Parents  Grand-Parents  Great Grand-Parents 
Am. Gch. Ch. Janstone Brother Bernie
Cafe., PR189032/02 12-15
Am.Gch.Ch. Janstone Alfie Romero
si bei., PR176796/01 03-14
Am.Gch.Ch. Silkwind Proud To Be Armani TP, blu., PR164865/02 05-12
Janstone Dark Angel, blu., PR163998/02 08-12
Am. Gch. Ch. Darbon Little Brown Betty At Janstone,
brn., PR150439/02 01-11
Am. Ch. Darbon Ziegfeld Excellence TP, wht., PR135293/01 02-09
Darbon Call Me Pretty Too, blk, PR131871/01 04-09
Am. Ch. Silvabirch G8rcreek Wild Abandon, si., PR201293/01 7-17 Am. Ch. Isle-Views Commanding Attention
si., PR178942/02 08-14
Am.Ch. Dalin Lomar Daydream Believer, blu., PR152256/01 12-10
Am. Ch. Cin-Don Isle-View Love Story, wh., PR126127/01 12-08
Am. Ch. G8rcreek Sunsprite Walk On The Wild Side NA NAJ, si., PR180818/02 10-14 MACH2 Am GCHB Can/UKC CH U-AGI G8rcreek Far Far Better CD BN RA MJG MXG OF CGC VCX TP si., PR148283/02 10-10
Sunsprite J-Walk TP, si., PR140512/01 10-11
"CeCe" CeCe's Testing

CeCe is our dear Celeste baby girl. She is following closely in her momma's fun and opinionated footsteps.

Co-owned with Barbara Hoopes and Michael Lobinske.

Bred-by Jennifer Brueser, Barbara Hoopes, and Michael Lobinske.

PRA prcd Clear.

YadaPCA information

CeCe Major
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