G8rcreek Unchained Dreem
Parents  Grand-Parents  Great Grand-Parents 
Am. GCH CH Dreem J-Walker, si., PR235980/02 12-20 Am. GCH Ch. G8rcreek Sunsprite Better Not J-Walk RN CGC TP, si., PR180818/03 10-14 MACH2 Am GCHB Can/UKC CH U-AGI G8rcreek Far Far Better CD BN RA MJG MXG OF CGC VCX TP si., PR148283/02 10-10
Sunsprite J-Walk TP, si., PR140512/01 10-11
Dreem Marlis Dearly Imagined,
blu., PR209178/02 02-18
Am. Ch. Ch Dreem Klasyk Yoda,
blu., PR196757/01 10-16
Am. Ch. Dreem Marlis Only Imagine!,
blu., PR168194/02 01-13
AM CH Dreem Klasyk Ever Grayco,
AM CH Farthing Little John, blk. AM CH Farthing's Shutterbug At Wessex blk.
AM CH Farthing's Little Gem, blk.
AM CH Dreem Klasyk Knick Knack Paddywhack RE CD BN CGC, blu. AM CH Grayco Loves To Dreem, blu.
AM CH Dream Class Tennessee Waltz, blk.

Spuds is a cafe son of Walker and Ever.

Co-owned and co-bred with Eva Marie Mitchell.

PRA prcd clear by parantage, testing soon.

Didit Testing Coming soon
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